Sending emails with salon name
under review
Sara Meert
under review
Sara Meert
Merged in a post:
agreements, e-mails from your own domain name with more freedom
Pascal van Meijl
The confirmation and reminder emails must clearly come from the salon for the customer.
Currently you see the topic
Booking confirmation from Optios salons
We would like to fill this out ourselves or be able to remove “options salons”.
Sara Meert
Merged in a post:
Can change the email confirmation subject/Pouvoir modifier le sujet de la confirmation par mail
Gilis Ilse
Currently, customers are receiving the message “Booking Confirmation from Optiossalons”
I want to be able to edit this topic myself. Now it looks like Optiossalons is a chain.
Nous ne sommes pas 'Options Salons'.
Sara Meert
Sara Meert
Nathalie Dessers
My customers indicate that the review mail arrives via an automatic campaign under the address of Optios, so many do not recognize that it is mine and delete it. even though my business name is in the title. many customers also indicate that this mail was in their spam
Rene Jansen
This would be fantastic. The Mail now seems to be from Optios instead of my salon.
Same request here, as well as whether we were taken over by optios salons. NO! we are independent, independent, no chain!
Please change, on 02-08-2022, we received an email from optios that an email specialist was hired for the e-mail issues that had been going on for so long at that time. Perhaps this specialist can be hired again to change the text optiossalons into the variable containing the salon name in the email subject.
Just asked by a customer whether the chain of options salons has taken over us. Please adjust.
On 02-08-2022, we received an email from optios that an email specialist was hired for the e-mail issues that had been going on for so long at that time. Perhaps this specialist can be hired again to change the text optiossalons into the variable containing the salon name in the email subject.
Natalie Bonte
Absolutely the same feeling about this, my customers especially find it very confusing!
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